Annual Board Meeting 2022 - Gloversville Housing Authority
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Annual Board Meeting 2022

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Sep 26 2022

Annual Board Meeting 2022

SEPTEMBER 26, 2022

The Gloversville Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners met at its Annual Meeting that was held at the Gloversville Housing Authority, 141 West Street on September 26, 2022 at 6:00p.m.

Board Members Present:

  • John Poling, Chairperson
  • Ellen Anadio, Vice Chairperson
  • Lashawn Hawkins, Secretary
  • Gail Peters, Commissioner
  • Sherry Courtney, Resident Commissioner

Others Present:

  • Anthony Casale, Authority Legal Counsel
  • Bryan Goldberger, Authority Labor Counsel
  • Jason Mazur – Executive Director

Chairperson Poling called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. All present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence.

Chairperson Poling conducted a roll call memorializing the presence of the above-named individuals.

Chairperson Poling spoke regarding the operating budget that was distributed to the members of the board. Poling inquired as to whether there were any questions or concerns regarding the budget. Mazur indicated that the biggest concern is that rent revenue is down approximately $100,000 from last year. …

Poling noted that HUD contributions are down compared with last year. Mazur stated that these are initial figures. Once HUD eligibility is confirmed, these numbers will be revised. This year, GHA has been approved for $833,000 and confirmed that the it was based on cost versus expenditures. The projections are based upon historical data. …

Commissioner Anadio inquired whether or not Covid related expenditures were considered and Muzur stated that it did.

Commissioner Anadio asked for an update regarding contract negotiations. Attorney Goldberger stated that a meeting occurred last week. Further discussion could be had a later a time in executive session.

Resolution 841 adopting the Operating Budget for the PHA fiscal year beginning October 1, 2022 was sponsored by Commissioner Poling and seconded by Commissioner Anadio.  There was no additional discussion and Resolution was adopted by a vote of 5-0 in favor.

Attorney Casale memorialized that at the September 2022 monthly meeting, nominations for Secretary were not made due to Commissioner Hawkins having been absent at said meeting and that he was hopeful that Commissioner Hawkins would be receptive to said nomination tonight. Said nomination was made by Commissioner Anadio and seconded by Commissioner Peters. There were no other nominations and no other discussion. Said motion was approved by a vote of 5-0 in favor.

Attorney Casale indicated that Chairperson Poling should be ready to make committee appointments at the next meeting. ….

Mazur reminded the board that the October meeting is scheduled to occur on Columbus Day. There was some discussion regarding an alternate date. A motion was made by Commissioner Anadio to hold the October 2022 monthly meeting on Monday October 17 at 6pm. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Poling. There was no additional discussion and said motion was passed by a vote of 5-0 in favor.

A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Anadio and seconded by Commissioner Peters. There was no additional discussion.  The motion was approved by a vote of 5-0 in favor.  The meeting adjourned at 6:16pm.

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