Minutes of a Regular Meeting
The Gloversville Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners met in a regular session at DuBois Garden Apartments on Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 6:00 PM.
Board Members Present:
- John Castiglione, Chairperson
- John Poling, Vice Chairperson
- Marcia Weiss, Secretary
- Gail Ryan, Commissioner
- Diane Sauve, Resident Commissioner
- Amanda Ossenfort, Commissioner
Others Present:
- Heather Reynolds, Executive Director
- Anthony Casale, Authority Legal Counsel
- Bryan Goldberger, Authority Legal Counsel
Chairperson Castiglione having asked for a motion to adopt the minutes of the August meeting. Commissioner Ryan having made a motion to amend the minutes, said motion having been seconded by Commissioner Poling, and the motion to adopt said minutes as amended was carried unanimously.
Chairperson Castiglione opened the floor for public comment with there having been no speakers coming forward.
A report of the Finance Committee having been presented by Commissioner Poling, confirming the satisfactory reconciliation of checks processed in the past month.
The Tenant Commissioner’s report was provided by Diane Sauve. Food sites are being set up at all three sites. She is working with Office of the Aging to increase participation at food meal sites.
The Executive Director’s report was provided by Heather Reynolds. Occupancy for Forest Hill Towers is 98.15 percent, DuBois 92.94 percent, Forest Hill Towers 95 percent, for a total occupancy percentage of 95.36 percent occupancy. Director Reynolds indicated that chips and topsoil had been ordered for the playground, ass chips and topsoil had been washed away due to flooding. Director Reynolds further indicated that the installation of three new furnaces at DuBois Garden Apartments had been completed. Next, Director Reynolds indicated that a unit had been damaged by water and was being repaired within the week. Next, the bids for installation of the breaker box panel at Forest Hill Towers were opened. Next, car port roofs at Kingsboro Towers and Forest Hill Towers have been replaced. Next, Director Reynolds indicated that the molding on the new floors at Kingsboro Towers were painted and she is looking into both cleaning and replacing the carpets at Kingsboro Towers. Next, Director Reynolds discussed how the 2020 was approved at the last meeting which included hiring a per diem clerk to replace the position vacated earlier this year. Next, Director Reynolds discussed that she has been in contact with vendors regarding replacement of the intercom system at Forest Hills Towers and she is in the process of gathering information and cost analysis figures. Next, Director Reynolds discussed that she is seeking to obtain a smart phone scanner for inventory purposes in connection with preparing the audit. Next, Director Reynolds discussed how personnel was engaging in training regarding inspections. Next, Director Reynolds discussed setting up the annual audit for December of this year. Next, Director Reynolds discussed that she would be taking a meeting within the next week regarding the prospective establishment of an afterschool program. More details to follow. Next, Director Reynolds discussed that there will be activities occurring on September 20, 2019 at all three locations where tenants will have an opportunity to meet with Deb and snacks will be provided.
Chairperson Castiglione asked for a motion to approve resolution number 784 accounts payable for August 2019. Commissioner Weiss made a motion to adopt said resolution and Commissioner Ryan seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.
Chairperson Castiglione asked for a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation. Said motion was made by Commissioner Weiss and seconded by Commissioner Poling. The Board went into Executive Session at 6:15 p.m.
Public Session resumed at 6:31 p.m. at which time a motion was made to adjourn the regular meeting. Said motion having been made by Commissioner Poling and having been seconded by Commissioner Weiss with the regular meeting having been concluded at 6:31 p.m.